
History of Region 34

Timeline - Chorus Charter Years

2009–2019 History Book

In 2019, Region 34 reached the milestone of 30 years since becoming a Sweet Adelines region. The celebrations ran from convention 2019 into 2020, and a highlight was our regional ‘I Am Woman’ video, made up of videos from all choruses in our region, and audio from the Quartet Chorus at the 2019 convention in Hobart.

To preserve some of the wonderful stories and memories from 2009 to the end of 2019, Region 34 published Sweet Adelines Australia: a decade in the history of Region 34 in 2020.



Our 25th Anniversary 2014 


In 2014, we celebrated our 25th anniversary. Celebrations at the Sydney convention included a mass sing at ANZ Stadium, Sydney Olympic Park, a parade of chorus banners, and the screening of a collection of video messages from Sweet Adelines Australia choruses at the opening ceremony.


Our 20th Anniversary – 2009

To mark the momentous occasion of our 25th anniversary in 2009, a 20th Anniversary Album was produced. (Please note, this file is 42MB pdf – 65 pages.)



Sweet Adelines International's 75th Anniversary  – 2020

Have you read the Sweet Adelines International 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album?

This beautifully presented e-book reflects on the history of the organisation from 1945 to 2020.

You can access it here (login required).




Tribute to Ruth Williams, a Sweet Adelines Australia pioneer

Ruth Williams

Ruth Williams loved Sweet Adelines International and worked tirelessly in the early years to start choruses all over New South Wales and beyond.

Along with her great friend Chad Fydler she started the first NSW chorus, Sydney Town Chorus. They travelled to the Sweet Adelines International contest in Hawaii in 1987 to accept their charter.

Ruth was Sydney Town’s first President and also served on the first Area Committee (the precursor to the RMT) and served as its Regent from 1992-1994. 

Ruth and Chad played an integral part of our region as members of the first Australian Steering Committee 1989-1991, laying the foundations for what was to become Region 34.

Ruth passed away on Monday August 15, 2016. A funeral to celebrate Ruth’s wonderful life was held at the Camellia Chapel, Macquarie Park Cemetery in Sydney on August 23 2016

Read the Ruth Williams Tribute from Sweet Adelines Australia presented at the funeral by Regional Team Coordinator, Sharon Cartwright.

Below is a link to a compilation of messages received from our members for Ruth’s daughter Carolyn and son Greg.

Memories of Ruth – a collection of messages from members.

Tribute to Marian Reinsch, another Sweet Adelines Australia Pioneer

In 1982, a group of 15 singers started a Sweet Adelines International chorus in Melbourne, directed by Marian Reinsch who had answered an advertisement in a local newspaper. This was the Yarra Valley Chorus which became the first officially chartered Australian chorus and four years later was known as Melbourne Chorus.

Marian was very interested in getting new choruses started and was instrumental in the growth of prospective choruses in their areas. Marian, being on the Eastern seaboard, was often called upon to assist new Directors between Melbourne and the Gold Coast.

In 1988 Marian was appointed the Area Music Coordinator for Australia and education became a planned part of the region’s growth. In 1989 and 1990 Marian visited choruses all over Australia on behalf of the Area and funded her own trip to Tulsa for a Musical Directors’ workshop. She saw the need for an Australia-wide newsletter so she and her husband Don published the first OzChords.

The same year, Marian was appointed Director of Musical Activities on the first Area Committee which met twice a year to organise national events, set goals and foster new choruses as required by the international organisation.

Marian directed Melbourne Chorus to be the first Australian Championship Chorus in 1990, and they won again in 1992 which qualified them to be the first Australian competitors at an International Competition, which was Indianapolis in 1993. She retired from her role as Director in September 1995 and maintained her chorus membership for many years. A story written by Lyn Weight in the November 2009 edition of OzChords mentions Wednesday 23 September 2009 as Marian’s last rehearsal attendance when a special tribute was held.

In 1996 Southern Sounds Chorus attracted Marian as their Director, initially short term but she stayed four years, taking the chorus to national competitions in Adelaide and Perth. In 1997 Marian’s beloved husband Don passed away and she devoted time to train section leaders in earnest, helping the chorus become stronger and more self-sufficient before she resigned in 2000.

In 2008 the Regional Management Team (RMT) instigated a new award in Marian’s honour, to recognise someone who demonstrated extraordinary results in the Director Certification Program (DCP), a home study program available from Sweet Adelines International. The top three graduates by marks from the previous two years are asked to demonstrate their understanding of the psychological aspects of the Director’s role and have sensitivity to the demands of a music leader and educator.

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